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26 min | Fiction | 2019
In 1983, when one of the worst droughts in the history of Brazil hits Sertão Sergipano, Maria resists leaving her land. Believing in the arrival of rain, she goes against all predictions.
Directed by: Carol Mendonca
Screenplay: Carol Mendonça and Jessica Maria Araújo
Production Director: Nah Donato
Director of Photography: Pedro Andrade
Art Direction: Jessica Maria Araújo
Editing: Lu Silva
Graphic Design: Gabi Etinger
Sound Capture: Juquinha
Sound Editing and Mixing: Pauly di Castro
Original Soundtrack: Leo Airplane, Alex Santana and Maestro Muskito
Guest Director of Photography: Moema Pascoini
Assistant Director: Manuela Veloso
Finishing : Lamp
Cast preparation: Diane Veloso
Local production: Seu Beto
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